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A Living Document

For a long time, I have been writing and gathering poems (so many I've lost count), I thought I would use this (seldom used) blog on my Creative Expressions website to continue posting poems that are or have been birthed through me. So, I'll be sharing a few of my "old" poems yet mostly new ones. My hope is that this will be a place where others may arrive, settle in and read something that resonates, stirs, blesses, or moves something within them.

Thanks for stopping by...hope you enjoy! With so much gentleness and gratitude

"A Living Document"

How many times

have I edited

myself? Cutting instead

of pasting--deleting words

to fit into margins

formed by another. Blank

space is everywhere

waiting to be

filled with letters

forming words into

sentences or not. Will I

have courage

to start, resume, continue

finger pecking

keys I have touched

thousands of times--intermittently

tilting what is

on the screen

bold, underlined--highlighted

in yellow. Waiting

for me to click

File menu--

save, share


Author Laura J. Wolfe

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